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A Guide On Corporate Donation Opportunities

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The subject of corporate donations often sparks controversy in many boardrooms. In most cases, top management is often conflicted over the need to donate to charity, the available corporate donation opportunities, or their benefits. Below is a comprehensive guide on corporate donation opportunities.  Why Should Your Business Donate To Charity?   Corporate donations are a win-win for businesses and the charities they donate to. While charities get sufficient funds to run their operations, corporate donors benefit the most from corporate donations.…

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Forklift Training: Three Essential Tips for Practicing Your Operation Skills

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If you are interested in getting a forklift licence to elevate your career in the industrial market, consider signing up for an official training course. In general, forklift operation is not complicated, especially if you are familiar with other industrial vehicles. However, keep in mind that forklifts are heavy equipment. The careless operation of the machine due to poor training could result in accidents, leading to serious injuries and property damage.…

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Good Reflections: How Your Brand Can Protect Its Image

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The rise of social media means that companies must maintain an extremely high level of positive public perception. This provides the resilience and ability to swiftly counteract any negativity should an unforeseen event occur. In these viral times, a small incident involving product quality, data breaches or employee behaviour can quickly escalate into an image crisis. In the past, Japanese products were associated with poor quality. With strong marketing and a concerted effort by the government to change perceptions, Japan became a world leader in cars and electronics.…

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4 Mistakes That Fail Safety Observation Programmes

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One of the things that individuals responsible for safety in a company are taught is to design an effective safety observation programme to assess how the behaviour of the employees is changing after they have undergone safety training. Below are key mistakes that one should guard against making while implementing that observation programme. Making the Programme Punitive It is a mistake to design a safety observation programme in a way that makes that programme to be viewed as a channel to punish those who transgress any set safety procedures or practices.…

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Four Traits an Excellent Pre-School Will Exhibit

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Pre-school education is regarded as the foundation for a good, successful education and a successful life. All pre-schools are not the same, however, and some have worked to be better than others. Only the best childcare will do for your kid, right? If this is the case, have a look at what features to look for in a good pre-school or kindergarten. Clean, Secure Location Hygiene and security are two non-negotiable features when it comes to the security of a pre-school.…

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Why Is Dangerous Goods Training Important?

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A growing number of businesses now deal with potentially hazardous goods on a daily basis. Companies working with oil and gas, household chemicals, pesticides and detergents regularly handle products that have potentially dangerous ingredients. Persons working in these industries need to have the knowledge of handling such items in a safe manner to avoid immediate or long-term health complications. Personnel who deal with the importation and transportation of dangerous goods in Australia need to undergo dangerous goods training.…

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Confined Space Work: Three Crucial Issues to Remember from Your Training

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If you are interested in working in confined spaces, you should plan to attend a training session. In general, confined spaces have limited room for movement. They cannot support continuous human occupancy without presenting a significant danger. Moreover, most confined spaces in the industrial environment contain hazardous atmospheres or internal configurations which could cause a person to be trapped within. Without sufficient training, you will endanger your life, and the consequences of working in the small area could be fatal.…

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