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A Guide On Corporate Donation Opportunities

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The subject of corporate donations often sparks controversy in many boardrooms. In most cases, top management is often conflicted over the need to donate to charity, the available corporate donation opportunities, or their benefits. Below is a comprehensive guide on corporate donation opportunities

Why Should Your Business Donate To Charity?  

Corporate donations are a win-win for businesses and the charities they donate to. While charities get sufficient funds to run their operations, corporate donors benefit the most from corporate donations. First, businesses get free publicity from corporate donations. Their clients are happy that proceeds from their purchases go back to the community. Therefore, they are delighted to associate with your business and make more purchases. As such, corporate donations are a PR exercise that helps grow your visibility and sales. A corporate donation also puts you in good books with various government agencies. For instance, if your donations are directed towards complimenting government efforts to fight disease or develop local communities. 

How Do You Identify A Corporate Donation Opportunity? 

When looking for a corporate donation opportunity, look for charities whose mission aligns with your organisational vision or agenda. For example, if you own a construction business, you could work with charities that renovate homes to make them disability-friendly. Conversely, you could donate food to the homeless and disadvantaged groups during the holidays if you run a food production business. 

You will find many charities that meet the above criteria, so how do you pick one? Start by assessing the charity's beneficiaries. It would be good if they were part of your consumers. For instance, you could go for locally based charities since beneficiaries or their families could be part of your target market. 

You must also examine the charity's operations. For example, who are the charity's management and board of directors? The general rule is to consider charities run by accredited and experienced individuals. Moreover, assess how the public perceives the charity. The golden rule is considering charities. This way, your business's publics have a better chance of knowing that you donated to charity. 

You must also evaluate the charity's finances. For instance, how well does the charity manage its finances? After all, you would not want your donation misappropriated by the charity. Most charities conduct regular audits to prove to donors that their funds go towards charitable actions. You must also set donation criteria. For instance, do you intend to make a one-time or annual donation? You could donate to different charities each year, depending on your business goals. 
